Turnaround Capital &
Management Experts

Solving problems for companies needing capital and support.

Now we are in late 2024 and as the cost of business funding continues to rise and availability of capital declines, do you need turnaround finance for your company or investee? 

If you are looking for turnaround capital this is the right place! If your company is backed by VCs or angels and seeing your cash runway shortening fast or about to run out, don't wait for something to "just turn up"! Will a UK recession in 2024 hurt your great, but struggling manufacturing, service or recruitment business? 

Funding IS available for good turnaround capital projects.  Get in touch for a frank discussion about solving your turnaround capital problems.  Seeking to cleanly dispose of unwanted, loss making, or orphan companies? Get in touch we may have a solution.

Cheswick Capital provides an independent voice to worried directors,  business owners, and venture capital investors when things are going wrong. When the bank says no you need to ensure you have your own plans and alternative funding solutions ready if the business is challenged by debt and distress.  We can cast a new light on the working capital issues, which you may be very worried about.

It is important, and actually a legal requirement, that all creditors interests are maximised if the company is distressed, but it is possible to protect stakeholders interests too, by avoiding Administration or pre-pack. What is your turnaround plan, do you have a "bridge to the recovery zone"? Cheswick's seasoned turnaround experts can build that bridge.  

Are you a business angel, venture capital or private equity investor who has reached the end of your patience with an investee business? We can provide an exit. Want to sell a problem business from your portfolio? Cheswick or its associated companies may acquire, drive the management turnaround and arrange refinancing. 

Many VCs and business angels have closed their wallets in 2024 and your employees are now a costly expense. To survive this, get expert advice from seasoned turnaround experts with experience of saving 500 + companies over 28 years. We offer practical guidance, expert restructuring advice, access to turnaround capital, turnaround finance and occasionally our own turnaround funding. Established UK companies and LLP only. Minimum 2 years filed annual accounts only please.

  • Does your company need advice on how to deal with aggressive banks, lenders, investors pushing for pre pack administration or AMA (accelerated merger and acquisition process)? Get the alternative options and solutions and fight back.
  • Do YOU need guidance to decide if you want to continue running the business? We can help you dispose of your non performing business and walk away.
  • Does your company need restructuring experts to change non performing management teams?

With over 28 years of turnaround and insolvency experience we have seen almost every problem (we still learn new things every day!). So, we will probably know the problems you face and will give hands on help free initially. Learn more here About Us  Call 07791 864339


Turnaround Money

Been turned down by the banks? We can probably help your company. Does your lender or investor want to force a sale or wants out?

We introduce or provide access to: term loans, working capital, business funding, credit card merchant loans, asset based finance, crowdfunding (equity or debt products), unique spot factoring and other innovative financial solutions from a group of high net worth investors working closely with Cheswick. We occasionally lend and invest directly from our own funds. 

Looking for debt or equity for your growth business or need a cashflow fix? CAPITAL FOR turnaround projects is available now from investors or asset backed lenders willing to lend to, or to acquire distressed businesses quickly. Company in a CVA? Pre pack plan? Talk to Cheswick Capital now.

Does your company have a problem with factoring/CID? We'll help you find a funder in as little as 5 working days. Bank or invoice finance providers making threats? PAY THEM OUT with new supportive lenders. Cheswick's sister business - Company Funding Options  can lead the refinance project for you. Call 07791 864339 now for fast advice. Company in CVA? We know all the funders who can fund your company now.

Buy out of administration, buy out funding from private equity funders, venture capital funders, private high net worth investors through to international turnaround funders. If you have a viable business we will almost certainly get the turnaround capital your company needs. And if you need to make changes to your business - our turnaround experts across the UK can guide you. 


Turnaround Grey Hairs!

"Grey hair" non executive directors (NEDs) to guide your business, they have been there and done it. Is your company growth (or lack of growth) keeping you awake? Not sure how to grow, twist or stick? Our non execs will help professionalise your company.

Need a "bridge" to your rescue zone? Need assistance with bank/ lenders? Are your investors worried about the board? Does your company need strong board credibility? We have non executives with the skills you need. By employing very smart, experienced directors you will send a message about YOUR leadership and management qualities to your stakeholders.  Even if yours is a very young business, our experts will add kudos and all importantly value.

Cheswick can introduce turnaround specialists who have grown and restructured well known organisations down to  start ups and SMEs, add these to your board for long term strategic planning and credibility.

Some of these can also introduce their own or institutional funding, or investment as part of the deal. How powerful could that be for your company?

CCL can advise you how to build a business plan that adds credibility, for your current and future stakeholders. Boost your board and business with a Cheswick mentor.


Turnaround Mergers & Acquisitions

Have you been running the company for too long and just had enough? Want to exit soon, or need to retire but have no successors and no buyers willing to take the risk of buying the company? We can help. Did Covid hammer your balance sheet and result in CBILs debts, HMRC liabilities (remember they're now preferential creditors), backlog of rents and supply side problems?

Want to pass the business on to new owners and directors to look after your staff and customers? Cheswick has business buyers contacting us daily looking to buy companies like yours. Call us now 07791 864339

We, and or our investors, can acquire struggling companies FAST. If the business is insolvent and you need to retire or stand back, we can acquire the equity and/or assets quickly and with the minimum of fuss. 

In the possible recession period ahead we have well capitalised buyers waiting for SaaS business, Salesforce consultancies, personnel & payroll services companies, marketing, distribution, recruitment, manufacturing, hospitality and many other companies. Distressed or insolvent balance sheets do not worry us, we can move to acquire companies in as little as 1 week.  Call now for a chat - companies purchased solvent, or insolvent. Trade buyers waiting!